When was the last time that you felt amazing?

Trust That The Light Is Here


Hey Reader,

Life is Messy.
It isn't a color-within-the-lines exercise.
It's a wild and outrageous invitation
full of uncertain outcomes.

'When was the last time that you felt amazing?', is one of those questions that make your brain stop and Matthew Kelly is very good at this. Please watch for some personal accounts and a Book Review of 'life is Messy' in an upcoming Substack Post.

Undoing decades of brainwashing, in a single week...

Tik Tok is on the hot seat because it has helped to awaken the newest generation. The Truth is great and it will prevail. I'm just glad that we don't have to listen to Ben Shapiro anymore, he has outed and muted himself.

"The force hiding behind the cloak of Covid isn't really after you, its after the heavenly force that created you. That's the real target. Life itself is the target. It's time people recognize what's really happening here..."
-Jason Christoff

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Friday, May 3 at 3:00 PM MDT

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Dr EMJ shares a live weekly call to help us with fundamental understanding of developments of our day...it's engaging, and helps to process our times...


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P.S. Our recent Substack Post ...

Logos Rising - Awareness on Purpose

Neil is a father of two and a seasoned professional management consultant, with a strength in facilitating collaborative discourse. His career was disrupted overseas in 2020. He believes that our Shared Reality is our Shared Responsibility.

Read more from Logos Rising - Awareness on Purpose

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, We must focus our attention on this: The art of good speaking forms the logical remedy for a society sick with that new kind of lie that we call propaganda. We are going through a metaphysical revolution, comparable to the metaphysical revolution that led to the Enlightenment. This revolution essentially boils down to this: a society led by a propagandized mass is replaced by a society led by a...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, Massie declares victory over 'establishment Republicans' Massie, fresh of his attempt to oust Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, "It's always a question, can you go to Washington, D.C. and not sell out? Can you vote exactly the way your constituents want?" Massie said. "This is your card. This is your voting card. You let me keep it in my wallet and go to Washington, D.C. and vote for you."...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, “The synchronicity of events all over the world is in a somewhat eerie way, astonishing. Everywhere, things are coming to a head. The fog of propaganda and manipulation is clearing so fast now that our happy ending is clearly visible, but there’s a rough road ahead of us, at least for me. Sunday’s EU Elections resulted in our warmongerers and economic destroyers losing heavily and those who...