
Logos Rising - Awareness on Purpose

Neil is a father of two and a seasoned professional management consultant, with a strength in facilitating collaborative discourse. His career was disrupted overseas in 2020. He believes that our Shared Reality is our Shared Responsibility.

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What are the different ways in which a person can use words, and which form of speaking can penetrate the veil of appearance?

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, We must focus our attention on this: The art of good speaking forms the logical remedy for a society sick with that new kind of lie that we call propaganda. We are going through a metaphysical revolution, comparable to the metaphysical revolution that led to the Enlightenment. This revolution essentially boils down to this: a society led by a propagandized mass is replaced by a society led by a...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, Massie declares victory over 'establishment Republicans' Massie, fresh of his attempt to oust Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, "It's always a question, can you go to Washington, D.C. and not sell out? Can you vote exactly the way your constituents want?" Massie said. "This is your card. This is your voting card. You let me keep it in my wallet and go to Washington, D.C. and vote for you."...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, “The synchronicity of events all over the world is in a somewhat eerie way, astonishing. Everywhere, things are coming to a head. The fog of propaganda and manipulation is clearing so fast now that our happy ending is clearly visible, but there’s a rough road ahead of us, at least for me. Sunday’s EU Elections resulted in our warmongerers and economic destroyers losing heavily and those who...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, Glazer’s acceptance speech opened the door to an even more troubling interpretation of his film because he made a clear connection between the Germans who went about their daily lives while studiously ignoring what was going on behind the garden wall at the Höss residence and the Americans and Europeans who went about their daily lives while studiously avoiding the genocide which the Israelis, the...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, One doesn’t survive on the battlefield by looking with his eyes. Our eyes see a world of appearances; they are easily tricked. What really matters is zanshin, a kind of awareness of the world around you which is not based on ordinary sensory perception. The entire art of the samurai aimed to develop this potential – the sixth sense of the warrior. Mattias Desmet - Propaganda, Sincere Speech, and...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, When it comes to determining whether someone can be trusted or not, rational thinking leads into a hall of mirrors where it is impossible to discern between imaginary and real images. This is the fundamental problem: the more something can be considered an indicator of trustworthiness, the more it might be used as a cover by someone who is not trustworthy. Mattias Desmet. The horrendous carnage in...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, “Holding an inner or outer conflict quietly instead of attempting to resolve it quickly is a difficult idea to entertain. It is even more challenging to experience. However, as Carl Jung believed, if we held the tension between the two opposing forces, there would emerge a third way, which would unite and transcend the two. Indeed, he believed that this transcendent force was crucial to...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, “Not only is there no attempt to hide the damage, but the repair is literally illuminated… a kind of physical expression of the spirit of mushin….Mushin is often literally translated as “no mind,” but carries connotations of fully existing within the moment, of non-attachment, of equanimity amid changing conditions. Kintsugi - Art of Repair Dr Reiner Füllmich has been able to focus on the silver...

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, The cosmic transition in May 2024 refers to several astronomical events and astrological transits that are expected to occur during this month. Here are some of the notable events: Mars Transit 2024: Mars will transition from the sign of Aquarius to the sign of Pisces on May 14, 2024. This transit is associated with increased energy, motivation, and a more assertive or confrontational attitude....

Trust That The Light Is Here 2024 Speak What You See. Connect, Reflect & Rejuvenate. Hey Reader, Life is Messy. It isn't a color-within-the-lines exercise. It's a wild and outrageous invitationfull of uncertain outcomes. Matthew Kelly, life is Messy. 'When was the last time that you felt amazing?', is one of those questions that make your brain stop and Matthew Kelly is very good at this. Please watch for some personal accounts and a Book Review of 'life is Messy' in an upcoming Substack...